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Por g1 DF

01/12/2023 11h08 Atualizado 01/12/2023

Para participar das atividades, � preciso se inscrever no site do evento.

O projeto � realizado pelo Programa Conjunto das Na��es Unidas sobre HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) e conta com a parceria do Minist�rio da Sa�de e ag�ncias da Organiza��o das Na��es Unidas (ONU).

Casos positivos para o HIV entre os mais velhos quadruplicaram em uma d�cada no Brasil �
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: GETTY IMAGES/via codigo promocional afun com

O Dia Mundial da Luta Contra a Aids � comemorado nesta sexta-feira (1�). Para colaborar com a luta contra o estigma e a discrimina��o causados pela doen�a e v�rus, Bras�lia se torna palco do HIVida, evento com diversas express�es art�sticas, debates e exposi��es.

? Clique aqui para seguir o novo canal do g1 DF no WhatsApp.

O evento acontece no Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo, na 508 Sul; no Minist�rio da Sa�de e em diversos pontos da cidade, al�m de eventos de forma online. As atividades v�o at� o dia 10 de dezembro (confira programa��o abaixo). Para se inscrever, basta acessar o site do evento.

O projeto � realizado pelo Programa Conjunto das Na��es Unidas sobre HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) e conta com a parceria do Minist�rio da Sa�de e ag�ncias da Organiza��o das Na��es Unidas (ONU).

Confira a programa��o do evento

1/12 a 10/12

?? Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo

? Dia todo

Exposi��o �A Pot�ncia em Imagens� - Pra�a Central. Ensaio
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gr�fico de Sean Black sobre travestis e mulheres trans residentes na Casa Florescer/SP


??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo

?8h �s 18h

Congresso das M�es da Resist�nciaMesa de abertura dos trabalhosApresenta��o do Estudo de Caso Lorena FoxTransfeminic�dio e transfobia institucionalMesa de discuss�o: Pol�ticas P�blicas deCombate ao HIV/AIDS para adolescentes e jovensPainel de apresenta��o dos trabalhos da ONG


??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo


Congresso das M�es da Resist�nciaComposi��o da mesa de abertura dos trabalhosMesa de Discuss�o �A promo��o da sa�de e o cuidado integral de LGBTI+ e familiares�Mesa de Discuss�o �Enfrentamento �Misoginia e a import�ncia da nterseccionalidade�Estudo de Caso �LGBTFobia na Educa��o (Caso Levi/Po��es/BA)�- Congresso M�es da Resist�nciaMesa de Discuss�o �Pessoas LGBTQIAPN+ em Priva��o de Liberdade�


??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo, na sala multiuso e Marco Ant�nio


Mesa de abertura dos trabalhos - Congresso M�es da Resist�nciaPainel Apresenta��o dos Projetos da ONGMesa de Autoridades �Estado Democr�tico de Direito: Executivo, Legislativo e Judici�rio pela garantia de direitos de nossos filhes.� Assembleia Geral

??????? Evento virtual


Webinar: �Indetect�vel � Igual a Zero�. Canal de YouTube do Minist�rio da Sa�de

??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo


Apresenta��o Projeto Existo - Vez e voz das popula��es invisibilizadas, com o jornalista F�bio Turci


??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo


UNICEF - Apresenta��o da iniciativa: �Viva melhor Sabendo Jovem - Estrat�gias para o Enfrentamento da Epidemia de HIV/AIDS entre Adolescentes e Jovens�


UNICEF apresenta o estudo �N�s somos a resposta: adolescentes e jovens vivendo com HIV/AIDS e o acesso a servi�os de sa�de no Brasil�


UNICEF apresenta o Chatbot KEFI - Primeira intelig�ncia artificial vivendo com HIV


�Roda de conversa sobre movimentos antig�nero pelo mundo�


???????Evento virtual


Webinar: �Lan�amento da chamada para a��o para constru��o do Plano de Enfrentamento do HIV/AIDS e outras IST em Mulheres�. Canal de YouTube do Minist�rio da Sa�de

??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo


Roda de Conversa - Preven��o do HIV/AIDS, estigma e promo��o da sa�de sexual com e para a juventude

??Congresso Nacional

?14h �s 18h

Semin�rio de Enfrentamento �s ISTS, HIV/AIDS Hepatites Virais

7 a 9/12

??UDF - Centro Universit�rio UDF

?8h �s 18h

Encontro Nacional dos Conselhos LGBTQIA+


??Minist�rio da Sa�de

?8h �s 18h

Reuni�o dos Coordenadores Estaduais de HIV/AIDS sobre o tema da elimina��o do HIV enquanto problema de sa�de p�blica

??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo

?18h30 �s 21h

� Roda de conversa sobre interculturalidade na sa�de

?18h30 �s 23h

Cinema Mostra AIDSLan�amento do curta �40 anos da resposta � AIDS no Brasil�, �Os primeiros soldados�, �O som das d�cadas�, �Agora que eu sei�


??Audit�rio do TCU

?8h �s 18h

Solenidade da Certifica��o da Elimina��o e/ou Selos de Boas Pr�ticas Rumo � Elimina��o da Transmiss�o Vertical de HIV e/ou S�filis

??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo

?10h30 �s 12h

Workshop: �Do c�ncer gay ao I=I: o papel da imprensa na cobertura sobre HIV e AIDS�

?9h30 �s 17h

� Reuni�o t�cnica fechada:�HIV/AIDS e Povos Ind�genas: a determina��o social de sa�de e os direitos humanos em perspectiva�

?18h �s 23h

Mostra Cine AIDS �Tente entender o que tento dizer� �Positivas� �Posso te beijar?��Sangro��Epidemia de AIDS no Brasil��O cartaz HIV positivo�


??Espa�o Cultural Renato Russo

?9h �s 12h

� Workshop: �Terapia Comunit�ria Sist�mica�. Sala Multiuso

?15h �s 16h

Lan�amento do curta metragem �Poder Falar - uma autofic��o�, de Evandro Manchini

?16h �s 18h

� Homenagem | �Cazuza, 65 anos - Leitura de poemas/can��es de Cazuza,com o poeta, escritor e jornalista Ramon Nunes Mello�

?18h �s 23h

Cinema Mostra AIDS�Carta para al�m dos muros��Prazer em conhecer��HIV 40 anos: AIDS e suas hist�rias��Uma carta insone�


??P�tio do Museu Nacional da Rep�blica

?18h �s 22h

Encerramento do Projeto HIVIDA


DEZEMBRO VERMLHO: 'Eu amo a minha vida, mesmo que eu tenha HIV', diz mulher. PERSEGUI��O � EX-AMANTE: Justi�a aceita nova den�ncia contra ex-delegado-chefe da Pol�cia Civil do DF, agora r�u por 9 crimes

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    American video game development company

    Sledgehammer Games, Inc. is an American video game developer company formed in 2009 by Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey. The pair formerly worked at Visceral Games and are responsible for the creation of Dead Space. The company is based in Foster City, California.[5] The studio has developed and co-developed various video games in the Call of Duty series.

    History [ edit ]

    Sledgehammer Games co-founders Schofield and Condrey worked together at Electronic Arts in 2005 on 007: From Russia with Love, with Condrey as director and Schofield executive producer. The collaboration carried forward to Dead Space. The two men had complementary skills and similar backgrounds�middle class with fathers in the construction business.[6][7]

    After founding Sledgehammer Games on July 21, 2009, Schofield and Condrey made Activision a proposal: they would attempt to replicate their success with Dead Space, with a third-person spin-off of the Call of Duty franchise. Activision sat on the proposal for weeks until Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick offered to bring the studio into the Activision fold. Schofield and Condrey accepted, viewing Activision's independent studio model as an opportunity to preserve the company's creative culture, development methodology and staff, while having the security of an alliance with the industry's largest publisher.[7][8][9]

    Sledgehammer Games spent six to eight months working on the Call of Duty project in 2009, enough to produce a prototype with about 15 minutes of play.[10] The game would have reportedly expanded the franchise into the action-adventure genre, and a legal battle between Infinity Ward, the studio behind the Modern Warfare franchise, and co-founders Jason West and Vince Zampella resulted in the pair's departure. They took several Infinity Ward employees with them to their new company, leaving Activision with about half the staff and a deadline of about 20 months (versus a typical 24 months) to complete the next game in the franchise, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Activision requested that Sledgehammer Games stop work on the third-person shooter and collaborate with Infinity Ward instead.[7]

    The offer was a gamble for both sides. Activision was calling on a studio that had not put out a game on its own, while Sledgehammer Games would be abandoning weeks of work in the genre they were most familiar with to take on a punishing schedule in a franchise. The studio first polled its staff and got unanimous approval. "It was a massive risk for Schofield and Condrey's new studio, and one that most outside of the industry never considered", wrote Ryan Fleming in Digital Trends. "The Infinity Ward name was the marquis on the Modern Warfare franchise, but failure to deliver on Activision's golden egg would have resulted in a wave that crippled those in its path. Looking back at the success of that game and franchise as a whole, it is easy to overlook the chance Sledgehammer took."[7]

    The collaboration with Infinity Ward marked the first time a co-development relationship would produce a Modern Warfare title, with both companies' logos appearing on the packaging. Despite the companies� differing histories and development methodologies, GamesTM called the arrangement "a rare symbiotic relationship for such a high-profile game". The two teams first met in the spring of 2010 to compare ideas. There was some overlap: both teams wanted to set the game in Europe and, recalled Schofield, achieve a �payoff on the story that had been told over the last four years.�[10][11]

    Sledgehammer Games first logo (2009�2024)

    It was announced in February 2014 that Sledgehammer Games would be developing a Call of Duty title slated for release in 2014. On May 1, Game Informer teased an image of a soldier wearing an exo-skeleton suit. It was also announced that more details, the cover, the full name, and a trailer would be released on May 4. The trailer was leaked which confirmed the release of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on November 4, 2014.[12][13]

    On April 21, 2024, Sledgehammer Games and Activision announced their next Call of Duty game, titled Call of Duty: WWII. It was released on November 3, 2024.[14][15]

    In February 2024, Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey left Sledgehammer Games but still working with Activision.[16] In December 2024, Condrey subsequently left Activision to start a career with 2K Games in the Bay Area with 31st Union. Schofield also left the studio to found Striking Distance.[17]

    In 2024, while working with Raven Software on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the 2024 entry in the series, the two teams had differing ideas on the game. This led Call of Duty publisher Activision to bring in fellow developer Treyarch to take over the lead development role for Black Ops Cold War, while Sledgehammer and Raven Software took on partner roles.[18][19]

    Sledgehammer opened a new studio in Melbourne, Australia by September 2024.[20][21] In May 2024, Sledgehammer Games COO Andy Wilson confirmed that the studio was now a multi-project studio with over 200 employees, with plans to hire up to 100 new employees over the next year.[22]

    In May 2024, Sledgehammer announced the opening of a new studio in Toronto, Canada.[3][23][24] By August 2024, Sledgehammer Games employed over 450 people, with over 150 people working at Sledgehammer Games Melbourne and just over 10 people working at Sledgehammer Games Toronto.[1] In October 2024, Sledgehammer opened a new studio in Guildford in the UK.[25][26] Sledgehammer lead the development of Call of Duty: Vanguard which was released on November 5, 2024.[27][28]

    Following leaks in Q2 of 2024, Sledgehammer would then develop Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, the franchise's twentieth release, which was released on November 10, 2024.[29][30]

    Operations and culture [ edit ]

    Sledgehammer Games operates out of a "custom-designed" studio with an open-plan space, "high-end" development equipment, and a theater.[10]

    As of August 2024, Sledgehammer employs about 450 people. New employees are given a challenge coin engraved with the Sledgehammer Games' values. The tradition dates back to a World War I practice of giving soldiers coins with a squadron's insignia that could be used to prove membership.[7]

    Games [ edit ]


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    Desde o in�cio da hist�ria dos videojogos houve jogos para um jogador, como o Bertie the Brain (1950), que permitia jogar o jogo do galo contra o computador, e jogos destinados a dois jogadores, como o Tennis for Two (1958). A Bally Midway recusou adquirir o jogo Pong (1972) � Atari por n�o ter um modo para um jogador.[2] Nos anos seguintes foram desenvolvidos jogos para um jogador que influenciaram grandemente a hist�ria dos videojogos,[3] como o Space Invaders (1978) ou o Tetris (1985). Mais recentemente, os jogos multijogador ganharam import�ncia, e as empresas desenvolvedoras de videojogos t�m dado pouca import�ncia aos jogos para um jogador.[4]


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The closing of the 30-year-old ride  which Princess Diana visited in 1993  follows years of calls for change because it features several characters from Disney's 1946 film "Song of the South," which featured racist stereotypes.
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